Well its amazing to think that another summer has come and gone! I can honestly say though that this summer has been brilliant!
The Kittys Road Festival week went really well. We had another team of Americans join us for two weeks as we had our usual craic and activities down in Kittys Road. Many new relationships were built and many old ones were strengthened. One of the highlights for me was this year we had an overnighter at a local retreat centre. It was a great time to hang out, do some activities, and even look to the Bible and why it's so amazing that Jesus came and died for us! It was a really good nite.
Overall it is amazing to see all that God is doing and the ways at which he is at work.
As the summer winds down, and we look forward to the start of a new school year, we are getting back into the routine of things. Coffee mornings are taking place on Friday mornings, which are always full of great conversation and friendly banter :). On Mondays the women have started a Fit for Life program where they are doing aerobics....I hear its pretty tough lol. And once school gets underway the Friday Bible Club will start up again and hopefully there are a few other ideas that we have that we are hoping to do as well. So even though its sad that the summer is drawing to a close quite rapidly, I know I am very excited for the school year to start because of all the exciting things that will be on.
At the moment I'm back in the States taking a bit of time to visit family and friends and to connect with a local missions agency that will hopefully be partnering with me as I look to staying in Kilkeel more longer term, which is very exciting. Within the next month or two I am hoping to start publishing a monthly update. If you are at all interested in receiving one, please send me an email so that I can add you to my email list.
Thanks for your continued support and partnership as I'm serving in Kilkeel. May we continue to keep our eyes on Jesus!
Yearning for Him,