Thursday, December 25, 2008


Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I am spending Christmas at the Chestnutt' has been great fun. We had a lovely Christmas dinner complete with Turkey and Ham. Shortly after that we went for a nice walk along the beach and just got back a wee while ago.

Thanks for your prayers for the SU Christmas went really well and many of the students that attended were encouraged :-).

I have some nice Christmas pictures, so as soon as I get a free moment (with a little more time) I will post them up for you to look at. But until then, have a Merry Christmas!!!

Yearning for Christ,


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Merry Christmas!!....nearly ;-)

I just wanted to wish Merry Christmas to my family back home!! :-). Today is the day that worked out for all my family to get together and celebrate Christmas. So I hope that they have a fun time together, and I just wanted to let them know that I love them and am thinking about them. So MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Love lots,


Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Pirates of Penzance!!

Well the last week has proven to be quite busy. A week ago I started helping out with the sound for the high school's musical performance of the Pirates of Penzance. This entire week they have been performing in the evenings for people in the community. It's been good craic!!! Not only that, but it has been a great opportunity to hang out with many of the students and get to know them more, so for that I have been very grateful to help out in such a small way ;-). Tomorrow is the final performance and I'm sure it will go well because each time they get better and better.

Well believe it or not, Christmas is right around the corner. And with that comes the busyness of the holidays. This weekend we have our Sunday school Christmas parties, which will be good craic. And even next week, there are a few Christmas parties and the school for the different year groups.

However, there is one particular event that I want to draw your attention to. This coming Monday we are having the Scripture Union Christmas Dinner. We have invited any and all that want to come. Right now we have about 110 seniors (that is those in year 11 and up, which is about age 14-18) signed up, and there may be more still. So we are very excited. The reason I draw your attention to it is because I will be doing a short talk at it. There will be non Christians at the dinner, so I ask that you would pray that God would use this dinner for His glory....we are really excited! :-)

Next week is also the last week of school before Christmas Break. So that means this week will be the final week for mentor groups until after the new year. Pray that over the holidays I would have the opportunity to continue to connect and possibly hang out and have a bit of craic with those who are in my mentor groups.

Finally, next Thursday we are hoping to have a big movie night with the high schoolers out on Kittys Road, so pray that it will go well and that kids would want to come :-).

I again thank you for your prayers and support :-). I also love to hear from you, even if its just to say hi, so feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email. Continue to keep your eyes on Christ!!

Yearning for Him,


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Busy Busy Busy... :-)

Well with Christmas right around the corner, things are getting quite busy around Kilkeel!...a good busy that is ;-). Last week I had a great opportunity to have Thanksgiving Dinner with a couple other Americans that I know in the town. It was quite lovely....we had turkey, stuffing, and nearly all the fixins ;-), so it was a very nice meal!

This past Friday, Samuel and I also had the opportunity to begin connecting with some of the high schoolers on Kittys Road. It was great craic!!! We pretty much just walked around to different houses and rounded up some of the kids and ended up muckin about for a couple hours (having fun that is). It was a cold night, the the "thing" to do was to water down one of the streets that had a slight hill to it so that it would freeze in order to allow the kids to slide down on it. I can honestly say that I've never had quite as much fun with a road as I did with them that night. So all in all, it was a good connecting point and opportunity to spread the word about the youth club that we want to get started. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks we are planning on having a game night or a movie night to get the word out more and get kids excited about coming. So continue to pray for those connections :-).

Things at the school have been quite busy. Next week is the school musical, which is really exciting. The musicals are an event that is always looked forward too. However, this year they are a wee bit behind, so right now the atmosphere is a wee bit tense around the school because many of the students are trying to get it all set for the end of the week dress rehearsals. I'm sure it will turn out good.

I also started helping out a wee bit with the PE classes and helping facilitate the sports and games that they play during those periods. This has been quite fun and provides another great opportunity to connect with many of the young men that I see at Youth Fellowship or in mentor groups and those sorts of things.

I'm still trying to figure out the car situation. It's not so much as finding a car, but it's more about finding the most inexpensive insurance. A car would help quite a bit in connecting with many of the young men that I am working with and would make things easier, cause I would have more freedom and not have to depend on other means. So we are looking into those options, but pray that God would provide an opportunity and a way for that to happen....I know He will (The earth is the Lords and everything in it!!! ps 24:1!!)

Well I continue to thank you for your prayers and support. God is doing a great work over here, and you have been a part of it through the support you have given me, so I thank you!! Continue to keep your eyes on Christ :-).

Yearning for Him,


Monday, November 24, 2008

God is Good!

Well the Junior SU overnight went really well!! Thank you so much for your prayers for that. There were about 65 students that attended and many of them were encouraged and challenged in their faith....especially when it comes to facing some of the sin or struggles that they have that has been hindering their walk with Christ.

Along with the talks and sharing times, we were able to go out and have a bit of craic as well. In terms of activities, the highlight was probably going to the Leisureplex in Lisburn. This was a place that was pretty much like an indoor waterpark. There were several slides to go down and a lazy river to enjoy as well. It was might craic swimming and muckin about with the kids!

Right now I am off to the high school for the Monday prayer meeting that the students have during lunch. Then I have a mentor group after school. It should be good fun. Hope things are well! Continue to keep your eyes on to you soon.

Yearning for Christ,


Friday, November 21, 2008

Junior Scripture Union Overnight :-)

Hey there. This past week has been pretty normal and nothing out of the ordinary. Things have been really good with SU at school as well as mentor groups - pray that God would continue to help me deepen and strengthen those relationships, especially with the guys in my three mentor groups.

Tonight we have an overnight in Lisborn with the Junior SU from school. There are about 70, 11-3 year olds signed up to go. I am really excited about it. I have been given the opportunity to teach the two sessions that we will be having. I am focusing on Colossians 3:1-17 for both of the talks and talking about not only what it means to be 'in Christ' but also the importance of putting off the old self and replacing with the new. So tonight the main thing will be talking about sin and the hindrances it causes in our relationship to Christ. So if you could be praying for me that God would use me as His tool to speak truth and wisdom, that would be awesome. Also, pray for the students going. Most of them would consider themselves Christians, but that doesn't mean that they pray for open hearts and open minds for God to work.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support....I will let you know how the overnight goes :-)! Continue to keep your eyes on the King of Kings!

Yearning for Christ,


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Update on Ministry

Well things are in full swing! It has been really great getting everything underway and connecting with many of the young men that I will be working with this year. Currently I am involved in 3 mentor groups through the high school. Each of the groups has about 4 guys in it and we meet once a week after school. Last week and this week were the first times that we were able to meet. It is really good getting to know them more encouraging them in their walk for Christ. I am really excited about the opportunities to come alongside of them and encourage them in their faith and as well as helping them to see the importance of becoming young men that fight for sexual purity amidst of very sexual world. So pray that God would help me to build strong relationships with each of my guys and that they would be encouraged and have the opportunity to grow this year.

Along with mentor groups, I have been doing much stuff with the youth fellowships at Mourne and at Kilkeel. It has been good having opportunities to teach and to share about my self. Not only that, it provides great opportunities to further connect with some of the youth that I see at the school throughout the week.

Overall, things have been going really good. Like I said in an earlier post, God has really opened up some doors to connect with a couple of young men already, and I am really excited about God creating more opportunities with some of the other guys that I am working with.

It's hard to think that I have been here for nearly a month now!!...time has just flown by. Not only that, but everyone has been so warm and welcoming to me that it has seemed like home. I thank all of you who have been supporting me both through prayer and financially. I just received an update yesterday concerning my funds. I am at about 63% of the goal that I have to raise. This means that I still need just over $5000 to reach my goal. I am very grateful for those that have supported me already and I know that "the earth is the Lord's and everything in it.." (ps 24:1) and will provide the rest that I need when I need it!

I ask that you would continue to pray for: 1. my mentor groups and the connections with those young men that I am getting to know 2. For wisdom and direction with one of my mentor groups in which I am hoping to talk about purity 3. Teaching - as I teach that I would remain faithful to God's Word and effectively study and prepare for that 4. For my own walk, that I would continue to rely on Christ for all my needs! Thank you so much for your support! has been really encouraging.

OH...and one more things. Tomorrow we are having a meeting in Kittys Road to talk about starting something for the high schoolers in the pray that we will be able to finally get something going. :-). Continue to trust in Christ!

Yearning for Him,


Friday, November 7, 2008

I drove :-)

Well I finally got a chance to get behind the wheel. After hanging out in Annalong for a wee bit tonight, it came time for Samuel and I to head home for the night. So I figured I would ask him if I could drive...and he let me. It was quite fun....definitely weird at first, but it was a lot of fun. Just figured I would share that with time for bed :-)

Yearning for Christ,


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What's the craic!

Things have been going really well over here in Kilkeel. It's hard to believe that I've been here for nearly three weeks! ways it seems like I've been here for much longer, and yet it somehow feels like I just got here yesterday. Regardless, God is Good and is doing great things over here.

Surprising this current week has been my first "normal" week since I've been here (if there's such a thing as normal :P ). Last week everyone had off of school, so it was a very laid back week. I had the chance to hang out with a couple guys that I've gotten to know, and it has been really good...there names are Zak and Peter.

This week I am back in the school helping out with Scripture Union and trying to learn names. I'm starting to recognize and remember more and more people, which is exciting. Now that I have a fairly consistent schedule, its been easier to start building relationships and getting to know more of the guys....especially in the mentor groups that I have. All in all, things are going really great and it is really exciting seeing the opportunities that God is providing in terms of getting to know some of the young men over here. I thank you for all of your prayers and support and I would love to hear from you, so leave comments :-). Continue to trust in Christ!!

Yearning for Him,


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Check out where I live....

Here's where I live :-). I realized afterward that I didn't use my newly found Northern Ireland you will probably get that next time ;-).

Yearning for Christ,


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Settled In!!

Well its been awhile since I posted apologies. The last couple of days I didn't have any internet because we had to figure out the wifi stuff, but now its all good.

Everything is fantastic. I moved into the flat with Andrew on Thursday and it is quite lovely. It is very spacious and nice and definitely more then I could ask I continue to thank God for the way in which He provides. The last few days have been full with all sorts of things. I had the opportunity to share a wee bit at the Senior Scripture Union (SU) after school on Thursday, and that went really well. I've also had many opportunities to start connecting and building relationships with several of the youth, so that has been grand!

Friday I had the had the opportunity to go out to Kittys Road for the Good News Bible club with the young ones. That was class. I was able to see a bunch of the younger kids from the summer...many of them were really confused when they saw me. And then they pretty much all followed it with the same comment ..."Why didn't any of the other Americans come back?" So to those to you who were here over the summer, you are still missed and they all say hello! I haven't had a chance to connect with any of the older ones yet, but hopefully this coming week I will have a chance to connect with some of them.

Other than that it has just been connecting and getting things all settled. Its hard to believe that I've already been here for over a week. Time is just flying. This coming week most of kids have off of school for Harvest season (and halloween) so I am looking forward to being able to connect and hang out with many of them.

Continue to pray that I would be able to continue to build and even start relationships with the young adults that I am working with. Also, continue to pray for the ability to learn names. You don't realise how bad you are at names until you have literally a thousand thrown at pray that God would help me to remember names and faces.

Anywho, tomorrow I hope to take some pictures or video and post it, so hopefully within the next couple of days I will have something for you to look at. Until then, I continue to thank you for your support, and as always - Continue to keep your eyes on Christ!

Yearning for Christ,


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Starting to get Settled...

The past few days have been quite busy with meeting people and starting to get my feet wet with what I will be doing over the next several months. On Sunday I had the opportunity of being introduced to the congregation at Mourne. Andrew interviewed me, and he had several questions from some of the youth, which made it more lively. The big question is which football team I will be I'll have to see who that ends up being. At the moment, I have been saying that I will probably be a Manchester United fan (since I will be living with Andrew and he is a Man United Fan)...however, the Liverpool fans weren't too happy with that we'll see.

I've had the chance to go to the Youth Fellowship at Mourne and meet more of the young adults that I will be working with. I am really excited and looking forward to all that the Lord has planned during my time here. I also have had the opportunity to start helping out with the Scripture Union at the school. This has been loads of criac because it gives me an opportunity to be around the high school and see and interact with many of the teenagers in the community. I will be around the school nearly everyday to help out with Scripture Union prayer meetings and such as well as lead three mentor groups that have been assigned to its just brilliant!!

Other than that, I have just been working on settling in. Today I am heading down to Newry after school with Samuel to get a mobile, and then I think tomorrow or the next day I will be moving into the flat with that will be lovely to finally get unpacked and fully settled in.

It has been fantastic to hear from some of you! Keep in touch and even leave some comments...its always lovely to hear from yous!! Right now the biggest thing for me is trying to learn and remember names - there are many. Other than that, I continue to thank you for your prayers and support and I hope that all is well!!

Yearning for Christ,


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Back Again

Well I am back in Northern Ireland!! :-) It seems as if the last two days have gone by in a blink of an eye. I've had the pleasure of reuniting with many friends and having loads of craic (fun) with them as well.

After being picked up at the airport by Samuel, we went back to his school where I was able to sit in on a couple of his classes, while being able to meet many of his students (and see many faces that I recognized ;-)!). It was loads of fun. Then we went back to Samuel's house to relax a wee bit and have some dinner and eventually out to Annalong to visit friends there as well. All that to say that I arrived in Dublin at 7:15am having gotten only 2 hours of sleep on the plane and then didn't go to bed until 12:30am the next day....great fun!!! (which actually helped me get over the jet lag quite fast).

Today was a wee bit more laid back. We had a lie in til bout half ten (slept in til 10:30ish). Then in the afternoon had the opportunity to go visit some other friends in a special place called Kittys Road!! I haven't seen all of them yet, but I did have a chance to see Teresa and Kellie (and I said hello to them for those of you who know them). That was really good to see them.

After all of that I came over to Pastor Williams house (where I will be staying the next couple of days) to have dinner and then go to a charity concert and sketch night. It was quite fun. So I just got back from that about an hour ago, had a wee bit of supper (snack in the evening) and now I am here talking to you.

I want to thank yous for praying for me. Already God is at work answering prayer. Today I found out that my housing situation has just gotten cheaper....way fact FREE!! Rather then living in an apartment by myself, the Associate Pastor at Mourne Pres. Church (Andrew Mullen) offered for me to live with I am really excited about that opportunity to live with him. (He's a younger fellow that is single who I had the chance to get to know a wee bit over the summer, so it will be really good). So praise the Lord for that provision. is getting late over here, and I need to get some rest. So I will be going. I thank the Lord for His faithfulness and I urge you to continue to keep your eyes on Christ!

Yearning for Christ,


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Today is the Day!!!

Well...after being home for two months from Kilkeel, I am going back!!! I am tremendously excited :-). The reality of me actually leaving to go back today hasn't quite fully hit me yet. I probably won't realize it until I am on the plane tonight heading there. Regardless, I can't wait to see friends and to jump into what God has laid out for me to do there.

I am so grateful for God's goodness and faithfulness. It was two months ago that I began the journey and process to try to go back and help out with the community in Kilkeel. Throughout those two months, God was gracious to give me patience, understanding, and even the ability to trust and know that He is always in control!! There hasn't been a day in the last two months where I haven't quoted Psalm 24:1....."The earth is the Lord's and EVERYTHING in it...!" I continue to cling to that promise because He is the one that owns everything so that He can prepare the way for the return of the King of Kings :-).

My plane leaves Chicago tonight at 6:50pm central time and I arrive in Dublin tomorrow morning at 8:15am Ireland time, which is six hours ahead. As I get ready to go, I ask that you would be praying for travel safety as I fly over there and then get picked up at the airport by Samuel.

Once again I thank you for all of your support. Now is the time where the rubber meets the road and I am praying that God will use me to serve and help out the community of Kilkeel so that He may be exalted!! Talk to you when I get there!!!

Yearning for Christ,


Monday, October 13, 2008


Well...I am approaching my last few days in the States. The last two weeks of my have been super crazy, but at the same time, they have been two really awesome weeks. It's hard to think that just over a week ago I bid all my friends in Minnesota farewell....I can honestly say that I will miss seeing them (actually already do ;) ). Before I left Minnesota, I had the opportunity to go up to the Fall Retreat and say good bye to the youth group. This was a very bittersweet moment for me. I am totally excited about going to Northern Ireland, however, this is the first time in four years that I am leaving the people that I have come to know so well. To my small will be missed, but know that I am praying for you. The same goes for my family away from home....the Kempstons - I love you guys and will miss you greatly. To all my friends up in Minnesota, I encourage you to continue to keep your eyes on Christ.

This past week I have been at home in Chicago visiting friends and family and even getting the opportunity to share my plans with my church that I grew up at....Emmanuel Bible Church. It has been really great being able to spend some time with my family before I head out :) .... and even seeing some old friends!!

I want to thank those of you that have committed to supporting me financially and/or by prayer. It has been a blessing to see so many people willing to support. Currently I am at about 16% of my $15,000 goal that I need for my time in Northern prayer is that God would continue to supply me with everything that I need.

Thanks again for all your prayers and support. I leave this coming Thursday at 6:50pm and arrive in Dublin Friday morning. Continue to keep your eyes on Christ!!

Yearning for Him,


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Answered Prayer!!

What a great birthday present and even better answer to prayer - finding out that everything is finally approved to go to Ireland. I am tremendously grateful for God's faithfulness and promise to strengthen those that wait upon Him.

So now the date is set. I will be heading back to Chicago this coming weekend to spend some time with my family before I leave. Then Thursday, October 16, I leave for Northern Ireland. I am totally excited and cannot wait to go!!

As I make final preparations to head over to reunite with my friends in Northern Ireland, there are some prayer requests that I would love to share with you......

1. Fundraising. Now that I have the green light to go, I am trusting that the Lord will use many of you to provide me with the funds that I need in order to live in Northern Ireland. Pray that I would trust in God's provision and that everything will be provided to make this happen.

2. Dependence. Pray that I would be dependent upon the Lord as I go. The first couple weeks will be great fun as I reunite with people. As time goes, however, I will need to continue to rely on God as I adapt to the culture and flow of Northern Ireland.

3. Friends. As I leave to go to Northern Ireland to reunite with friends that I made over the same, I will also be leaving behind many friends at Bethlehem Baptist Church...especially all the high schoolers that I have built relationships with over the past 4 years. Pray that God would continue to make His presence known in each of their lives. I love them so much, and pray that God will continue to great things within each of their lives.

I thank you in advance for your prayers and support. God is using each of you to help make this trip happen, and I am very thankful. May we continue to remember that "The earth is the Lord's and everything in it!!"

Yearning for Christ,


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Month!

I can honestly say that the last month of my life has been one of the most interesting ones in my entire life. It has been quite unique waking up every morning wondering if that would be "the day" that I find out. As you could guess, that's still how things are.

Looking back over the past month, I can honestly say that I have learned a lot....even though I haven't really done anything. I always knew that God loves to teach us patience, but little did I know that its not just patience, but trust.

It wasn't until recently that I began to grasp the true weight of Proverbs 3:5-6 which says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." It is verse 5 that blows me away. We are called to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts. Not only that, but we are also told not to lean on our own understanding. I have recited this verse over and over at different points in my life where I knew I needed to trust in God, but it wasn't until now that I fully realized the part about not leaning on our own understanding.

I know in my life, there have been many times where I have said that I was trusting in the Lord with all my heart and not leaning on my own understanding...but come to think of it, I don't know if I was. We all have the tendency to come up with a plan B if something doesn't work out so that we can at least know something won't completely fail. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but when we make back up plans, are we trusting in God in those plans as well??

The reason I say this is because this is the first time I have never had a back up plan. As I share my desire to go back to Northern Ireland to minister to the youth there, many people ask me the question "So if this all doesn't work out, what are you going to do?" I honestly respond, I have no clue! And that's the truth. This is when I began to realize that I finally wasn't trying to rely on my own understanding (especially because I usually like to have everything figured out).

Right now I am completely dependent on God because God has His own way and own timing on how He likes to do things, and this past month I learned more about that. It would have been way easier to get all the details figured out and turn right around to go back to Ireland, but that's not how God wanted it to happen. He wanted me to wait......He didn't want me to trust in my own understanding......He simply wanted me to trust in Him!!

That is a small glimpse of what God has been teaching me over the past month. I thank all of you for your prayers and support. I eagerly look forward to the day that I will be able to tell you I will be going back (which will hopefully be within the next week). But until then, and even then, I will be trusting in God BECAUSE "The earth is the Lord's and everything in it."!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A word of Encouragement....

As I sit at home many afternoons thinking and praying, seeking and waiting to see what the Lord would have me do in the next many months, there was a song that came to my mind. It goes like this....

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord

Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our Strong Deliverer

You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary
You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles

There's a reason God teaches us's so that we are constantly reminded that we can do nothing apart from Him....we need to be completely dependent upon Him!!

Just like in Psalm 24, everything is the Lords in order to prepare the way for the King of Glory, the King of Kings! Even though I wake up every morning hoping that that day will be the day I find out if I go to Ireland, I now am reminded and encouraged to know that God is using this time that I am waiting to make sure that I am trusting and depending in Him! (especially since I have all my eggs in one basket trusting in His leading!)

Anywho, I wanted to share these bits of Grace that God has given me. I do thank you for your prayers... may we continue to remember that "The earth is the Lord's and everything in it" that He can prepare the way for the King of Glory to return.

(song is Everlasting God by Chris Tomlin)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Psalm 24:1

As I look to the Lord to see where and what I am supposed to be doing with my life, I am constantly reminded of a verse that He continues to show me. Psalm 24:1 says "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein." It is a great reminder knowing that God is in control of all things because He is the one that owns everything. The beauty of that verse can't be fully seen without reading the entire Psalm because of what the author says at the end. Verse 9 says "Lift up your heads, O gates! And lift them up, O ancient doors, that that the King of glory may come in." The reason the earth is the Lord's and everything in it is because God is preparing the way for the King of Kings, the King of Glory.....Jesus Christ!!