Friday, November 21, 2008

Junior Scripture Union Overnight :-)

Hey there. This past week has been pretty normal and nothing out of the ordinary. Things have been really good with SU at school as well as mentor groups - pray that God would continue to help me deepen and strengthen those relationships, especially with the guys in my three mentor groups.

Tonight we have an overnight in Lisborn with the Junior SU from school. There are about 70, 11-3 year olds signed up to go. I am really excited about it. I have been given the opportunity to teach the two sessions that we will be having. I am focusing on Colossians 3:1-17 for both of the talks and talking about not only what it means to be 'in Christ' but also the importance of putting off the old self and replacing with the new. So tonight the main thing will be talking about sin and the hindrances it causes in our relationship to Christ. So if you could be praying for me that God would use me as His tool to speak truth and wisdom, that would be awesome. Also, pray for the students going. Most of them would consider themselves Christians, but that doesn't mean that they pray for open hearts and open minds for God to work.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support....I will let you know how the overnight goes :-)! Continue to keep your eyes on the King of Kings!

Yearning for Christ,


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