Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Well on the 16th of December I flew back to the States to spend time with family and friends. I can honestly say that since I touch down on the ground I have been on the go non stop seeing and visiting people. It has been a brilliant time.

Last week I had the pleasure of being in Samuel and Sarah's Wedding. It was a great time and a very beautiful ceremony! Just want to say congrats to them and hope they enjoy their honeymoon down in the Caribbean :-D.

At the moment I am back in Chicago spending time with family. It has been good to catch up and just relax and spend time with them. It has felt a wee bit surreal being back, but it has been very good. I must say however, that I miss many friends back in Northern Ireland. It's been amazing to see how God has given me such a desire and heart for the people back over there. God is good and I've really enjoyed being a part of what He is doing. I look forward to getting back and catching up with everyone and jumping back into the routine of everything.

I hope you enjoy your Christmas/New Year's holidays and continue to keep your eyes on Christ!!


Monday, December 7, 2009


The weekend to London was really good. There were about 170 people, and we all stayed in the Oak Hall Manor in Otford, which is just Southeast of London. It was a great time to connect and meet people and be encouraged from the Word. I ended up having the last talk, which seemed to go really really well.

As soon as I got back to good ol Kilkeel, it was hittin the ground running. Last week was crunch week for the musical. As usual, everything came together for the dress rehearsal. Now all this week there will be performances in the will be great fun. That will be keeping me busy this week along with the usual mentor groups.

The crazy thing is that a week from Wednesday (Dec 16th) I will be heading back to the states for a couple of weeks for the holidays and Samuel and Sarah's wedding. So hopefully I will get a chance to catch up with many of you and share in further detail all that God has been doing since I've been over here in Kilkeel.

May we continue to keep our eyes on Christ!