Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Well on the 16th of December I flew back to the States to spend time with family and friends. I can honestly say that since I touch down on the ground I have been on the go non stop seeing and visiting people. It has been a brilliant time.

Last week I had the pleasure of being in Samuel and Sarah's Wedding. It was a great time and a very beautiful ceremony! Just want to say congrats to them and hope they enjoy their honeymoon down in the Caribbean :-D.

At the moment I am back in Chicago spending time with family. It has been good to catch up and just relax and spend time with them. It has felt a wee bit surreal being back, but it has been very good. I must say however, that I miss many friends back in Northern Ireland. It's been amazing to see how God has given me such a desire and heart for the people back over there. God is good and I've really enjoyed being a part of what He is doing. I look forward to getting back and catching up with everyone and jumping back into the routine of everything.

I hope you enjoy your Christmas/New Year's holidays and continue to keep your eyes on Christ!!


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