Well the first weekend of Cafe one80 has come and gone. Let me just say that it was absolutely Brilliant!! We had a great turnout....nearly every night over the weekend the hall was full. There has been a encouraging buzz amongst the young people - they have really been enjoying it. We've even had some people come that we've never seen before, which has been really encouraging.
We are preparing for this coming weekend, which we have three more nights. We are excited because the word is spreading about it and we are hoping to get even a greater turn out. Pray that God would work through Cafe one80 to encourage those that are questioning what Christianity is all about. Pray that opportunities would come about to share about Jesus with some of the young people. Also, Saturday afternoon we have a program for some of the younger kids. This program is called FBIJ (Federal Bureau Investigating Jesus) and I am speaking at it. So pray that God would use me as His tool to speak truth to these young men and young women :-).
I am continully thankful for all of you that follow my blog and are praying for me. It means quite a lot, so I thank you!! Continue to keep your eyes on Christ!!
Yearning for Him,
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