Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Congrats!!....and great Cafe one80!!!

Well, first and foremost, I want to congratulate Samuel and Sarah on their engagement....it was absolutely brilliant. I am so excited for the you two and pray that God would continue to work through both of your lives to further his kingdom. If you haven't heard "the 5 surprise engagement" you should talk to Sarah and I'm sure she would love to tell you how Samuel "whoo-ed" her!!!

Moving on to other things, Cafe one80 was brilliant!! We finished up our last weekend and we had a tremendous turnout! Each night we had a different band that came and played music. It created a great atmosphere to sit back, relax and just have some good craic (fun). Not only that, but we had some great dramas as well as speakers who shared from their own experience how much Christ has impacted their lives. Besides all that, I've heard many stories of young people who made a commitment to follow Christ....so praise God for that!!! So I just want to thank everyone everywhere who was praying for Cafe one80....God definitely showed up and showed off, and it was really encouraging.

There was also a challenge that was put out the last night of One80. Samuel challenged Andrew (my roommate) that he could have the mini that we did up for Cafe One80 (which currently has no engine) up and running by February 15 otherwise Samuel will do Andrew's laundry for a month, was his car for a month, and make him an evening meal once a week for a month. So this has become the talk of the town, and it will be interesting to see what happens. Clearly I have an inside scoop on the situation, but I will not indulge so as to leave the suspense there!! :-)

Thanks again for your prayers and support. God continues to show His faithfulness and sovereignty, and it really has been encouraging! I urge you to continue to keep your eyes on Christ!

Yearning for Him,


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